
Vapor Intrusion

Vapor Intrusion

Vapor intrusion is the movement of unwanted volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air of a living or working space. Typically, there are commercial causes for the vapors. Spilled or deposited chemicals from a dry cleaner service is a common example.  The vapors can permeate surfaces such as concrete floors.

DuPage Radon Contractors can provide vapor intrusion mitigation by installing a sub-slab depressurization system.  This redirects VOCs to outside the building where it can dilute with outside air.

Take Action

For vapor intrusion challenges, contact DuPage Radon Contractors. We can help you locate an environmental engineer if you need one, and we can review specifications, provide a free site examination, and give you a priced proposal for vapor intrusion mitigation.

The Details

How Vapor Intrusion
Mitigation Works

Vapor intrusion can be the result of leakage, spills, or discarding of chemicals into the soil from sources such as underground storage tanks, dry cleaners, gasoline stations, or metal treatment plants. In a typical vapor intrusion mitigation system, a fan suctions VOCs from the soil under the floor of the lowest level. The harmful chemical vapors follow the suction in a process known as advection. Holes in the floors called suction points are connected via piping to a fan that sits outside the building and discharges the gases above the roof edge. Sizable openings in the floor, such as cracks and sump pits, are sealed. Multiple suction points and fans may be needed. The system is permanent to the building and runs 24/7.


The design of a vapor mitigation system is dependent on your test results. Proper testing by a reputable VOC/chemical tester should be completed prior to vapor mitigation system design.

With Experts

Vapor mitigation systems can be more complicated than a radon mitigation system because of the chemical make-up of the VOCs, the building’s construction, and chemical concentration levels. In a typical installation, DuPage Radon Contractors works with, or for, an environmental engineer. Together with the building engineer or owner, the vapor intrusion mitigation system is designed and specified. DuPage Radon Contractors then installs a system to those specifications.

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